Where to buy
Wherever you need it
Both LS CORE and LS1 are the kind of LX consoles I’ve been looking for a long time, as it fills a need that many of my customers have – a cost effective console that isn’t super limited or expensive!
David C. Henry
Founder & Teacher
LEARN STAGE LIGHTING – United States of America
LEARN STAGE LIGHTING – United States of America
The LIGHTSHARK controls everything, from the position and movement of the lights to the colour changes and Gobo's. And all this can be done from either the console or from a tablet or iPhone, which means I’m free to walk around the theatre and see what is happening rather than being stuck in one position.
Karl Thompson
LX Designer
ADELE SONG BOOK Tour – United Kingdom
ADELE SONG BOOK Tour – United Kingdom
LMP is happy to distribute one of the first “new concept LX desk” which is available on the market worldwide. The combination of the full GUI one or more standard tablets plus reliable hardware to run the show is something nobody has seen before and gives great flexibility to every user. In combination with its great price ratio, we are sure LIGHTHSARK will hit the market
Oliver Winkler
Product Manager
The first time that the LIGHTSHARK Team presented the concept to me, I loved it so much and I could immediately see the huge possibilities that a product with such versatility can give to rental companies. A perfect size, very easy and intuitive interface, the advantages of a mobile user interface is very interesting. LIGHTSHARK is a very innovative concept that changes the way we see a LX Console
Raúl Gómez
Tech Manager
ALBADALEJO Servicios Audiovisuales – Spain
ALBADALEJO Servicios Audiovisuales – Spain
We met the LIGHTSHARK Team and felt the passion behind the system… It will open the door for so many and we then will be better shows.
Dave Allen
Tech Director
ACLLPS – Australia
ACLLPS – Australia
It’s a very versatile console with an easy and intuitive interface. The well-designed functions solve the real day-to-day needs. Also, it was a very good price-performance ratio. The LS CORE is very interesting for integration business
Juan Manuel Tuissans
TUIX & ROSS – Spain
TUIX & ROSS – Spain
The software's FX engine allowed us to integrate the lighting with the rest of the audio-visual systems in an agile and simple way
Marvin Ryan
LX Designer
With hardly any previous experience in handling the system, it was very easy to start operating it almost from day one. I love executors’ function for theatre applications
Juan Gonzalez
LX Operator
Freelance – Colombia
Freelance – Colombia
Very intuitive and easy to use, it is and ideal solution freelance technicians working for different companies.
Muhammad Tariq
LX Operator
Freelance – Dubai EUA
Freelance – Dubai EUA
It has a lot of interesting features that we really like, such as a proper hardware unit with faders and built-in software so that you don't have to download anything to a computer. But what really sold it to us was having a core that can be controlled from a laptop, tablet or even an iPhone. It is perfect for a medium-sized touring show because
it isn't too large or too complex to operate.
Adey Osbourne
Technical Director
BLACK CAT AUDIO – United Kingdom
BLACK CAT AUDIO – United Kingdom